Ensuring healthcare is accessible, affordable, and equitable for all
Promoting quality, affordable education for every stage of life.
Safeguarding against foreign, domestic, and cyber threats
Supporting job growth, fair labor, and a stable economy.
Improving public infrastructure for safe, efficient travel.
Strengthening welfare, housing, and food assistance programs for all communities.
Conserving resources, reducing pollution, and tackling climate change.
Ensuring fairness in law enforcement and public safety.
Balancing secure borders while ensuring fair treatment and balancing job protections
Ensuring fair practices and affordable, safe services.
Promoting ethical governance and public trust
Addressing state actions that infringe on constitutional rights.
Expanding healthcare, employment, and education for veterans.
Safeguarding digital privacy, data security, and ethical tech use.
Increasing affordable housing and addressing homelessness.
Enhancing mental health care and addiction support while reducing stigma.
Like all nonprofits, we thrive and are succcessful because of our volunteers. Join the CVN community today and be part of the solution!
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Our growing impact is powered by the people. Together, we are creating a network that empowers communities, drives change, and builds a better future for all.