Delve into the foundations of the Constitution and its guiding principles.
Learn the structure, powers, and responsibilities defined by the U.S. Constitution.
Learn about the amendments and their impact on individual freedoms.
Learn about the amendment that was ratified and Congress refused to validate and make part of the living Bill of Rights.
Examine past events and decisions that shaped our current government.
How has privatization impacted public services? Where has it succeeded or fallen short?
What could be improved within our government systems? Explore potential reforms.
What drives the national debt, and how does it affect citizens?
Stay informed about the actions and decisions of your representatives.
Review current bills under consideration and their potential impact.
What’s possible in reshaping our government for the better.
Understand the balance of power and the impact of state versus federal authority.
Understand the principles of supply and demand, market structures and the role of the government in the economy.
Let’s discuss trickle down economics, wealth inequality and equitable growth alternatives.
Learn about the types of taxes and their impact and about tariffs and trade.
Learn about budgeting, saving and investing, managing credit and debt, and tools for personal finanial planning.
Corporate power and its impact.
Globalization and local economies.
Learn about Alternative economic systems
Learn about Advocacy for economic justice, building grassroots economic resilience and engaging with Policy.
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