Volunteer Sign Up

Thank You for Your Interest in Volunteering with Citizens Voice Network (CVN)!
We’re thrilled you’re here to help us build a community dedicated to supporting one another and creating real change.

A Little About CVN
CVN is a Delaware nonprofit currently awaiting IRS nonprofit status, which we expect to receive by mid-February. We are a dues-based membership organization, meaning our primary funding comes from member dues, giving our members a greater voice in how we operate.

Why Dues-Based?
At $36 per year (with discounts for students and seniors), our dues keep membership accessible while ensuring we remain independent and accountable to our members—not grant requirements. Nationwide organizations like ours face challenges in accessing local or state-level grants, which are often small, labor-intensive to manage, and not designed for large-scale operations. By relying on dues, we can focus our energy on delivering results for our members.

Membership Benefits and Voting
Membership is open to U.S. citizens aged 18 and older. To become a voting member—eligible to vote at board meetings and influence our initiatives—we validate your identity and voter registration using secure third-party services (Idenfy and BallotReady). This ensures that CVN remains a true representation of the people it serves.

Truly a Community OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People.

Why We Need Volunteers
As a newly formed nonprofit, there’s a lot to do to get organized and ready to accept members. Volunteers are the backbone of our efforts, and as we grow, grassroots community-based activities will take center stage. Many volunteer roles may even lead to paid staff positions as CVN evolves.

Exclusive Founding Member Opportunity
To thank our early supporters, volunteers who contribute 100 hours or more will receive a Founding Member Lifetime Membership, which includes all membership benefits without annual dues. This opportunity is only available during our launch phase, and Founding Members will be honored on our website’s Founding Members page. You can contribute your time, services, or even cash donations to help cover essential costs.

Join Us!
Complete the form below to apply as a volunteer. We’ll respond as quickly as possible to get you started. Together, we’ll make CVN a thriving, impactful community.

Thank you for your support and commitment to this vision.

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Thank you for considering volunteering with CVN.
All of the CVN volunteer positions are remote and can be done from your home. Please check that you have ready access to:
Skills Check list. Please check all the skills you have that can help CVN as a Volunteer. I know how to:
What is your availability to volunteer?
CVN is offering our initial volunteers a Founding Volunteer Membership for giving us 100 hours of volunteering. Founding Memberships are limited and are either VOLUNTEER (service in lieu of cash) or PAYMENT of a one time fee. Founding members receive a life time membership and do not have to pay annual dues. Is this something you want to pursue? (If YES, please check below so we can set up the tracking for you. If NO, we will NOT set up tracking and NO Founding membership will be given.)
As CVN grows, we will have some paid staff positions. Are you interested?
As CVN grows, it will need additional Board Members. Are you interested in serving on the Board? (Board positions are NOT paid positions)
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